This is how I see it.

Nature of Observe News

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Because I haven't updated since the day after this blog was born in the fall of 04, I decided the change its Nature. Now I plan to paste the first three minutes of my newscast here every day, along with some commentary. Possibly the commentary will be supplemented by others. Possibly other newspeople will offer examples from their on-air products.

Today is my one year anniversary with my own show.

Here we go. But not tonight, because I thought this up at home.

Old Nature:
Sept. 22, 2004

I plan to blog all the conundrums, critiques and consternations I face as I produce the Five O'Clock News for a CBS affiliate in a mid-sized city in Middle America.

This is my first show. I worked for three years at a FOX affiliate in a large city along the Gulf Coast, becoming the go-to PA with a little experience in everything. I've been producing the five for just over six months now and, of course, I've learned an incredible ammount. This blog will explain exactly that, and it will include a healthy dose of newsroom commentary. I wish I would have thought of this sooner, and I hope I can keep it up.

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